Santa Rosa, California vineyard at sunset

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Ready to take the plunge into social media?

Diving into a tablet surrounded by social media icons

Digital marketing tools are awesome, powerful, numerous — and they can be a tad overwhelming.

The key is to figure out the best social network(s) to reach your target audience with the time and resources you can devote to social media marketing.

  • How can you best connect socially with your target audience?
  • What kinds of messages and calls to action are relevant to them?
  • How can you integrate social media to lead your niche?

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email marketing

Done right, email marketing is still one of the best, most cost-effective way to communicate digitally.

DoctorGeek can:

  • help you select the right online service to create, send & track email
  • customize mobile-friendly email templates and sign-up forms that match your brand's look & feel
  • train you to create messages that engage readers & capture your unique style
  • help you setup multiple mailing lists to simplify you email communications
  • target your most engaged subscribers with special offers
  • integrate your email lists with Facebook, Google Docs, PayPal, Volusion, WordPress, Wufoo & more